Crosstales.RTVoice.UI.SpeakUITMPText Class Reference

Speaks a TextMesh Pro text. More...

Inheritance diagram for Crosstales.RTVoice.UI.SpeakUITMPText:


class  CTHelperEditor

Public Member Functions

override void OnPointerExit (PointerEventData eventData)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Crosstales.RTVoice.UI.SpeakUIBase
virtual void OnPointerEnter (PointerEventData eventData)

Public Attributes

bool ChangeColor = true
Color TextColor =
bool ClearTags = true
TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI TextComponent

Protected Member Functions

override void Start ()
override void onSpeakComplete (Crosstales.RTVoice.Model.Wrapper wrapper)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Crosstales.RTVoice.UI.SpeakUIBase
virtual string speak (string text)
virtual void onSpeakStart (Crosstales.RTVoice.Model.Wrapper wrapper)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from Crosstales.RTVoice.UI.SpeakUIBase
float elapsedTime
string uid
bool isInside
bool spoken
bool isSpeaking
- Properties inherited from Crosstales.RTVoice.UI.SpeakUIBase
Crosstales.RTVoice.Model.VoiceAlias Voices [get, set]
 Voices for the speech. More...
Crosstales.RTVoice.Model.Enum.SpeakMode Mode [get, set]
 Speak mode. More...
float Delay [get, set]
 Delay in seconds before the speech starts. More...
bool SpeakIfChanged [get, set]
 Always speak the text if the content changed. More...
bool SpeakOnlyOnce [get, set]
 Speak the text only once the user hovered over the component. More...
bool SilenceOnExit [get, set]
 Silence the speech once exit. More...
AudioSource Source [get, set]
 AudioSource for the output (optional). More...
float Rate [get, set]
 Speech rate of the speaker in percent (range: 0-3). More...
float Pitch [get, set]
 Speech pitch of the speaker in percent (range: 0-2). More...
float Volume [get, set]
 Volume of the speaker in percent (range: 0-1). More...

Detailed Description

Speaks a TextMesh Pro text.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • C:/Users/slaub/Unity/assets/RTVoice/RTVoicePro/Assets/Plugins/crosstales/RTVoice/Extras/UI/Scripts/SpeakUITMPText.cs